Wednesday 17 March 2010

Park Life

What a lovely day! Rob is away at the races all this week so it just us. The house tends to run very 'ship shape' and routinued when he is away so the kids were in bed at 7 last night and Lola slept well - Jonas, well he didn't do so well.
This morning was Lola's swimming lesson. She did really well and I had a good gossip whilst Jonas was ooohhhed and aaahhhed at by the waiting mums. Lola loves her new swimming teacher, Will, and seems to be doing really well.
Then off home to make a picnic to share with some friends at the park. What a fab afternnon. The girls didn't stop.
I had to prod Lola to eat her tea and bride her with ice cream to keep her eyes open. We were all in the shower by 6pm. She has perked up a little and playing on the computer (as The Night Garden is for babies!!!) before bed.
Off to read her stories now.
how do i change the time i posted this blog it is now 6.57pm .... not what the puter says!!!

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